Enemy of the State

[Courtesy: www.allposters.com]

The privacy theft by the internet and other sources were shown in a video footage from googleanonymous site. It’s very obvious how deeply it intrudes into a common man life and how it can steal once complete private affairs. When it comes to professional life how it affects the business through phone tapping and other means. If someone who controls this critical information wants to frame you as a fool yep he can. So someone can control someone life if they want to, which is ridiculous. As technology improvises every time, there is always the backside of it to use improperly. If such goes to the hand of wrong person then the result of it becomes adverse. More and more such adverse effects will be seen in coming years due to the technology advancements. If it is used for betterment of a mankind then the purpose of its birth is right.

"Enemy of the state" is one such film where it deals how the NSA using hi-technology tries to devastate a man's personal life. It’s a movie about a murder; NSA does in the event of making to pass the surveillance power bill. The NSA deputy general says "I want every details of this guy from blood samples, urine result and his sex nature". So when they want they can get into any detail of an individual. Another time Brill a main character of the movie says "At least be happy that they don't know what you think inside. There is your privacy". Oh boy... hmmm .The movie has Will Smith, Gene Hackman and Jon Voight in lead roles. The plot was good and the screenplay was tight. The technical aspects shown as part of the movie was a gaze. Will Smith was amazing and performed a subtle act has a how common man would be surprised when his life is exposed. The leaders speak that to protect the nation the people has to give everything they have....then what protection is nation giving to them...irony...It’s a good movie to watch from the aspect to know how the information theft is growing as tech advances...Better watch out guys....

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